
Boy Baby Shower Decorating Ideas

Baby Shower Decorating Ideas

Tip: Coconut Baby

Bronze Craft Medal for All Time! 52 Crafts

June 25, 2011

coconut with baby hat, bib, and pacifierWhen decorating for a party or special occasion, sometimes ideas run dry. When this happens to me, I try to think "outside the box". I did just that for my daughter-in-law's baby shower. I live in Florida where coconuts are in abundance and decided to make some babies with them for the main table.

I set the coconut in a tube base made with cardboard to enable it to stand up and tied a bib around the neck. I cut the rubber insert off of a pacifier and glued it to the mouth area. I also glued on some black thread for eyelashes and some wiggle eyes. Slip on a hat and paint some pink on the cheeks. Even if you don't live in a coconut state, you can purchase them at grocery stores. Everyone enjoyed the coconut babies!

By Mary from Palm Coast, FL

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Tip: Baby Shower Decorating Ideas

March 18, 2009

Instead of the traditional "decorate the mommy to be's chair," I decided to decorate a whole table for the Mommy and Daddy to be. First, we made a balloon archway above the table.

Baby Shower Decorating Ideas


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Question: Decorating for a Baby Shower?

I'm expecting my 1st grandchild in March and I am planning to give my daughter a baby shower. Can anyone suggest some decorating ideas, games to play, and food to serve? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Jayne from Bristow, VA


January 5, 2006 0 found this helpful

One game that is kind of gross but fun that I have played. Get different kinds of chocolate bars one with peanuts one with crips, snikers etc. Then take a baby diaper and melt a small amount of one of the candy bars in the diaper. This makes it look like a messy diaper. Number the diapers and keep track of what candy bar is on it.

Then the guests have to guess what kind of candy bar is on it. Some will smell them, some will touch them and yet others will taste the candy if you reassure them it is only candy. This is normally a really fun game.

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Question: Upscale Baby Shower Food and Decoration Ideas?

April 25, 2005

I'll be giving my sister in-law a baby shower in three weeks. I've given a few in the past but never to someone as "picky" as she is. I can give her a nice shower but I would like it to be extra special since we've had to talk her into the whole baby shower thing in the first place.

If any of you fine readers have some upscale ideas for food (shower will be at 3PM on a Saturday), please post. And any unusual decoration ideas would be welcomed as well. Thank you in advance!


April 25, 2005 0 found this helpful

If you know what the theme of the nursery is you can decorate the shower accordingly. The decorations can be things she can later use in the nursery for decor, etc. There are also many other themes you can do such as a basket theme. Everyone brings a themed basket filled accordingly. Example bath time basket with all the soaps, shampoos, diaper cream, towels, wash cloths, bath toys, etc.

I dont really have any ideas for food though. You can always make different sypes of sandwiches and use baby themed cookie cutters to cut the sandwiches in baby shapes. Hope some of these helped.

April 25, 2005 0 found this helpful

The cutest baby shower is the rubber duck shower. I am also giving a baby shower in May. Rubber Ducks floating in the punch.

Using yellow tulle is very elegant. The shower cake several different options: try a quilt background with baby colors and stick a flat plastic rubber duck in the middle, have a duck put on top of the cake w/ icing, or (we are going way out) take a 1/2 sheet rectangle pan (usually takes 2-3 cake mixes) make twice to stack one on top of the other- layer it-then dig a little out of the middle buy the stand up duck cake pan (available at walmart or hobby lobby) bake decorate and put in side the double white cakes to look like a duck in a tub. Buy the blue gel icing to look like water. If you do this your self remember that you have to put columns under the duck into the other cakes and then a plastic cake holder (like used to stack wedding cakes) to hold up the heavy duck cake so it doesnt sink.

Next, if you cant find duck paperware just use yellow, but be sure you have pretty white table cloth and fabric skirting(NO PLASTIC) this will make it look soft. For the guest tables center pieces use little galvanized silver tubs and fill halfway w/water and put ducks floating in them. or if you are worried someone will knock them over use those glass bowls they use at weddings or for floating candles.

Get a duck dish for the mints and place at the sign in table with a yellow table cloth. Remember fabric makes everything soft. Have the guest of honor sit in a rocking chair with yellow fabric tied around the top and a bow on the back or even better if she can use in the home or nursery get a cushion or back made out of duck fabric.

As far as food goes-we always end up doing the same food soI myself am trying to do something different. But definitely use some touches of yellow like deviled eggs, and chicken salad sandwiches.

Depending on your budget- but those two are fairly inexpensive. Cute foods are: tortillas lined w/a thin line of cream cheese some green onions and ham rolled up and cut into pinwheels, (I'm not sure where you are from-but we are from Louisiana and my favorite) boudin dip- take the rice mixture out of the middle of boudin and mix w/ sour cream and serve w/fritos, and of course spinach dip (buy the pack of knorrs spring veg. soup mix- recipe on back) serve inside a hawain king bread bowl (this sweet bread is great with the dip) use the middle that you cut out and cut into cubes serve around the bread bowl very close to the bread then serve ritz crackers (I use the cheaper brand of everything so try HEB brand or even dollar store kind) around bread bowl. To save money skip the bread bowl and just serve in a glass bowl w/ritz. Also I use the HEB brand corn chips and the HEB brand tortilla chips for everything they are both very good. Instead of making an expensive fruit tray- just buy the fruit that is on sale and rinse and serve in a pretty bowl. A friend serves strawberries (they were 1.50 a lb.) mixed w/bananas and strawberry glaze or if you need low sugar desert use sugar free strawberry gelatin and dont let it chill all the way. mix w/ the strawberry and bananas just like the glaze. Just remember color is pretty. Something refreshing.

Try pound cake or angel food cake in a pretty tall glass dish like a triffle dish- layer cake cut into tiny squares, strawberries (fresh or frozen) mixed w/ glaze, vanilla pudding, blueberries (fresh or frozen) w/juice and then top w/ cool whip (excellent) or just serve banana pudding in a pretty dish. Just remember the yellow tulle laid lightly around the table w/ baby's breathe will be pretty with a lot of color! If you have any other questions just write back.

I hope this has been helpful!!

April 26, 2005 0 found this helpful

Thanks for the Rubber Duck themes for a baby shower. Don't know if the person who asked will use your ideas but I will. I'm having a shower for a niece in July and now I can go ahead and get things together. I submitted an article on baby showers not long ago with one for my Daughter-in-law. It had some ideas for things I did to fill her a keepsake box and a little bonnet with a poem. Maybe it's still on there. Incidently, the bonnet idea was done for my niece who's now in her 30's. I LOVE keepsakes.

April 26, 2005 0 found this helpful

WOW! Great ideas! I have lots of things to think about in the next few days before making the big decisions!
Again, thanks!!!!!

By (Guest Post)

July 10, 2005 0 found this helpful

I am doing a Carriage theme for my best friend. She is having a Girl and the colors are going to be a bit unusual. I picked out my plates design first. I choose Debbie Mumm and I bought if off Ebay (saved a ton!) You can get a carriage cake design to do for a larger shower off of the internet. use 3 circles cakes! So cute! I also did my ribbons myself and am using curling ribbon with baby pacifiers and small favors hanging off the light fixture over the table with tulle in pink. SO CUTE! Good luck.
Melissa C.
(southern hospitality!)

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Question: Baby Shower Games, Decorating and Food Ideas?

Ruth Kennedy
Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 174 Feedbacks

March 10, 2005

I was wondering if anyone could please help me with some decorating, games, and food ideas? It will be a baby shower on a budget. This is a first for me and I'm lost.

Thanks, Ruth



March 11, 2005 0 found this helpful

Dear Ruth:
I posted for the same advice not one month ago, and everyone was so helpful. Just go to:, or type "need baby shower ideas" under search.
Good luck.

March 11, 2005 0 found this helpful

For food I would just keep it simple. The cake with maybe some chips and nuts. Generally showers are given after meals so you don't have to actually feed people a meal. If you want to go with something more, make some finger sandwiches using egg salad or tuna salad. Both items are not that expensive. Decorate with things that the mother can acutally use. Like a pretty basket with different colored baby bottles or baby care products. A few ballons are always nice. Try to get these from your local supermarket. They are usually cheaper than a florist. Same thing if you decorate with any type of flowers.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 263 Posts

March 12, 2005 0 found this helpful

One baby shower I went to the hostesses passed around a bowl of clothespins, asking everyone to see how many they could grasp and hold in 1 hand only. The guest that could hold the most, won the prize.

Also, you could have the honoree, come in and mingle with the guests, after a while have the honoree leave the room. Have the guests write down what all she had on? (earrings, barrette, bracelet, necklace, blouse, dress, skirt, rings, etc.) The guest that got the most answers correct, wins the prize.

I've been to some showers where the prizes are baby related & the guests have the decision to keep the prize or give it to the honoree. But the prizes don't have to be baby related.

Finger sandwiches, mixed nuts &/or dinner mints, fruit salad if you didn't want to serve cake.

It's best to give the shower with several friends or family members, this way the whole expense doesn't get put on your shoulders. It could get costly.

Best of luck!!

March 12, 2005 0 found this helpful


March 25, 2005 0 found this helpful

you can play the string game where you pass around a string and guess how big the mothers stomach is

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Boy Baby Shower Decorating Ideas


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